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Jordan Flynn, an unbeaten prospect, discusses his most recent match, looks toward the future, and states that he intends to compete at super-featherweight.

Jordan Flynn declared his intention to compete for super-featherweight belts.

Unbeaten lightweight prospect Jordan Flynn (6-0, 1KO), who is trained by world title contender Kevin Mitchell, recorded his sixth victory in a row on July 2 at York Hall.

The boxer from Oxford defeated the veteran Jahfieus Faure (1-6-1) over the course of six rounds at the Mo Prior-promoted event in Bethnal Green by a score of 60-55.

At 133 pounds, the lightest weight of his six-fight career to date, Flynn realizes that super-featherweight is where his best chances for a championship lay and thinks the weight class is accessible to him.

Flynn discussed his most recent bout with 200 traveling fans at just three weeks’ notice in an exclusive interview with BBN. “The guy was tough and in good shape, but the opponent changed at the last minute, so I didn’t know who I was fighting until I got in the ring,” Flynn said. He was truly orthodox, contrary to what I initially believed.

Faure is from the West Midlands, however his stance is listed as southpaw on BoxRec.

Jordan Flynn said, “He was quite intelligent, had a good guard. He was a little odd because he was moving but not really committing; he wouldn’t stay on the ropes and would go if he felt them; he wouldn’t let you pin him on the ropes.

The referee even told me that if there had been 10 more seconds in the sixth round, he would have halted the fight, so I should have stepped on him a little earlier, like in the fourth or fifth. “I took my time and boxed him, broke him down, then I stepped on him. Then I chose to take my time because there was no rush, but the rounds went by so rapidly that I hadn’t realized I was already in the sixth. I stepped on him, but he was fighting to hold on and survive.

Flynn, who made his professional debut in December 2019 and immediately moved up to six rounds, has now participated in five consecutive six-round fights and is obviously eager for more.

“Where we train so hard, we spar like eight four-minute rounds; each round I improve, so I think in the next bout I need eight rounds, it will be a lot better for me,” the fighter said.

“I spar with Joe Cordina, and we’ve always got sparring coming in. I spar with Alfie Winters, Conor Benn, I even sparred John Ryder last week! Also mix it with all of them. Mark Chamberlain came down the other week and they were good rounds, he’s big for a lightweight. I did eight rounds with him.

“Kevin [Mitchell] pushes you like a mad man, he gets you super fit. The endurance of all that will be for the long term. Kevin is very honest and he wouldn’t waste his time with me unless he believes I can achieve something.”

What was did we miss?

On the subject of achievements, Flynn is certain that championship challenges will be best suited down a division at 130lbs, where his trainer won titles himself, including British and Commonwealth belts.

“I’m gonna be competing for titles at super-featherweight,” Flynn confirmed. “Even my last fight. I weighed in at the lightweight limit on the same day weigh-in, so it’s only literally 2kg, so with a day before weigh-in, I’ll do super-featherweight easy.”

But before that, he is just thinking on his upcoming battle, which will probably take place in a few months, he hoped. “I’d say September or October now,” he said, “probably looking at after the summer now. Actually, I’ll be traveling for five nights starting on Thursday, and once I return, it’ll be back to training. I just finished sparring yesterday after fighting just over a week ago.

The young professional has a mature attitude to always be fight-ready. Living the life in the gym constantly, and he revealed. “You got to just stay ready, you never know when an opportunity will come up. The last thing you want is to get a phone call from a big show and have to turn it down. Because you’re not fit enough. When you stay in the gym, you can accomplish it. I got three days’ notice for my second professional bout and had to perform six rounds on Josh Taylor’s card.

Since his deal with MTK Global fell through. Flynn has been handled by Kevin Mitchell and has already competed three times this year.

Flynn explained how the unusual partnership came about, saying. “When I first turned pro, my management at the time were looking at trainers and they got me to look at Kevin. We did a trial session and just hit it off from there. We’ve been training ever since.” Flynn had to travel 90 miles round trip from Oxford to Romford and back every week.

Jordan Flynn began boxing at the age of eight and has competed at the highest levels as an amateur. Earning three national championships. He is now continuing his training in the professional ranks with the goal of capturing another championship.

“You become more used to the lifestyle and how training is, day in and day out, it’s just repetitious. He said when asked what he learns from each new training camp. “The hard sessions, boxing, sparring. You just get used to the lifestyle and you realize how hard you need to work every day.”

The English super-featherweight title is held by unbeaten Londoner Liam Dillon, while the current British champion is Anthony Cacace. Even though he freely admits he doesn’t know much about the titleholders above him. He is confident in his own abilities to win titles when the opportunity arises.

I’m ready to start hanging out with guys now, he declared with assurance. “Because of how I’m handling individuals in sparring. I realize that this is different from fighting, but I am confident in my readiness. I’ve boxed competitively my entire life and have represented England. I know my strengths and am powerful for my weight, so I’m prepared to face these opponents.

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